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                                                                      Founder speech


You are welcome, to be a part of global growth tendency of MH Group International. You can choose any project in any continent, that we operate in. As I always say to my decent and smart investors - the best way to earn money is to manage your money well?


My theorem, to invent and to execute a multinational conglomerate - if you carefully observe my works, you will find a practical execution of a sucessfull multinational conglomerate. Actually the following therorem is been invented and modified, through all the time, I have been invested at Berlin Institute of Technology and at MH Group International to create and to bring it in a multinational level, almost a period, 9 years of time, since year 2013.


MH Theorem:

Start different local activities ( A ) + Start to work on your started activities tactically and strategically to create a suitable platform to transform them in projects or companies ( P ) + Combined each locally started companies different part of the globe, lawfully under one umbrella ( U ) = Fundamental basement of a multinational conglomerate is been invented ( B ) + Give all companies enough time, proper organisation and sufficient financial support to grow ( T{m,o} ) = A functionable multinational conglomerate is ready, to compete the global business competitions ( C ) = A multinational conglomerate with a success growth potentiality ( G ) from scale 1 up to ....∞.


Mathematical notation:

A+P+U = B+T(m, o) = C => G [1, ∞[


A=activities, P=projects, U=Unifies,

B=basement, T=time, m=money

O=organisation, C=conglomerate and G=growth.


My own implementation:

[Started different local activities {Germany (europe), Bangladesh (asia), Qatar (arab), Cameron (africa)}] + [Started tactical and strategical work to create a suitable plattform to transform them into projects/companies (by consciously taking care of phychological, ethnographical and geographical advantages and disadvantages)] + [Combined each locally started projects/companies different part of the globe, lawfully under one umbrella (MH Group of Companies)] = [Fundamental basement of a multinational conglomerate is been invented] + [Give all started projects/companies enough time, proper management and sufficient financial support to grow] = A functionable multinational conglomerate is ready, to compete the global business competions = MH Group International with a success potential  from scale 1 up to.... ∞.


My experiences first written at 27.12.2019 as a theorem and published it at 30.12.19. The MH Group International have unlimited future growth potentialities because of its interconnected projects - projects should be created from the very beginning, by concentrating demand of time and situations and must have futuristic potentialities, though it is very intensively interconnected and in combined with - vertical, horizontal and lateral integration and also for its phychological, ethnographical and geographical advantages, of course it largely depend on its leadership.


Though it sounds crazy, but according to my experiences of inventing MH Group International, from the theorem since (2013-2015) to the reality since (2016-continue). You believe it or not, it seriously works. This theorem is not only a theorem but also a practical experiment of mine, it’s the wonderful part of it, it’s a (“theo-prac” in my own word), combination of a theorem and practice.


As long as you really understand this practical theorem, you will have the abilities to invent a multinational conglomerate by yourself? I am still a young student as well as my group of companies are still so young, wish and pray for me and give us more (10-12) years to be well known & well established. By the mercy of almighty, we will because we are really working on it?


Now the question is - how long it will take, to be well known like, Siemens, Apple, Walmart, HP, Google, Microsoft, P&G, Unilever, Coca Cola….etc? It will take time as the others took, let’s work on plan and have faith on almighty. Please, don’t forget that time is really important parameter to grow, as every famous multinational conglomerate including the mentioned above, are also in average at least (30-40) years old?


The biggest mistake, I see every day people make, is short term thinking and the inability to realize the second order consequences! Short time thinking leads millions of businesses in the globe to an unfortunate end, on the other hand many small start up turned to global dominant because of long term thinking and visionary mind settings? Please, never optimise for a better today, at the cost of tomorrow? What you most probably don’t realize, is the nature of the second order consequences and the compound effect of time?


Each step, I take reveals a new horizon. I have taken every first step of MH Group International for long path because I strongly believe, the journey of a thousand miles, begin with one step. A little bit of glance of my works since year 2016, to build and to invent MH Group International.


Divided by:                              Continentaited by:

1.MH Restaurant                       1.Germanbay

2.MH Real Estate                      2.Bengolbay

3.MH Textile                             3.Arabbay

4.MH Agriculture                      4.Africanbay

5.MH Retail

6.MH Export & Import

7.MH Research

8.MH Foundation

9.MH Space

10.MH Finance


I believe, it's also important to mention that to secure future growth, we have different branding strategies on which we are seriously working since a while, notably - Immoworld, Kitchen of the World-KW, Lota Pata-LP, OG, IsRa, ACUS, Q Tech …. etc. Over hundred confidential and very intensively interconnected, uniq and globally futuristitic potentialized projects are growing day by day, slowly but passionately to their optimum effectiveness?


My sincere and deepest gratefulness to my superior, infinite intelligence, supreme excellence and almighty for choosing me, for this enormous help and mercy in terms of giving me this global growth in a short period of time. I am heartily appealing to have His continuous support as my most important and all in one best companion till to the end of my lifelong divercified journey.

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